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8 Ways to Protect Yourself From Identity Theft

Did you know?

  • Digital identity theft rose by 218% during the course of the pandemic1
  • 28,813 Canadians fell victim to COVID-19 fraud between March 2020 to February 2022, resulting in $8.13 million lost2.
  • In 2020 across Canada, there were 19 identity theft victims for every 100,000 residents, (compared to 12.46 in 2019 and only 2.35 in 2010)3.

Identity theft is occurring at higher rates than ever, so it is important that you take some measures to reduce your risk of being a victim.

Our partners at BOXX Insurance offer the following 8 tips for protecting yourself and your loved ones:

  • Install antivirus software
    Install the latest available software and enable automatic updates.
  • Check your mailbox everyday
    Don’t allow mail to sit in your mailbox for too long. Arrange for friends or family members to collect it for you when you are away.
  • Check your statements
    Keep a close eye on your financial statements (i.e. credit card, bank card) for any charges you don’t recognize.
  • Shred sensitive documents
    Cross shred documents that contain sensitive information.
  • Protect your passwords
    Use a password manager and create unique, complex passwords for every online account you use.
  • Check your credit report
    Use a credit monitoring manager and regularly review your credit report.
  • Freeze your credit
    Prevent new accounts from being opened in your name by freezing your credit. Do the same for your underage children.

Get cyber insurance

Personal cyber insurance, such as Cyberboxx Home Edition by BOXX Insurance, has been designed to help you recover following a cyber attack, including identity theft, and gives you the tools to reduce your chances of being a victim in the future.

Buy personal cyber insurance online

Acera Insurance is proud to partner with BOXX Insurance to offer Cyberboxx Home Edition to our clients in British Columbia, Yukon and Ontario. Starting at just $99/yr, Cyberboxx Home Edition is designed to insure you from the crippling consequences of a cyber attack. 

Buy Now

1 Source:
2 Source: Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre
3 Source: Statista 

This content is powered by the Canadian Broker Network.

Acera Insurance is a proud member of the Canadian Broker Network (CBN), an alliance of Canada’s leading independent insurance brokerages representing over 50 offices, 1,500 professionals and over $1 billion in premiums. Learn more at