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Insurance Glossary

The world of insurance can be filled with unfamiliar terms and concepts. Understanding these terms is essential to making informed decisions about your coverage. This glossary is designed to be a helpful resource, offering clear and concise definitions of commonly used insurance terms. Whether you’re a seasoned insurance pro or just starting out, this glossary can be your guide to navigating the world of insurance with confidence.


Accident Forgiveness

Forgives your first accident, even if you were at fault. This means your rates will stay the same.

Accident Rating Waiver (SEF 39)

You or a driver on your policy keeps their driving rating after one at-fault loss, as long as there is no convictions related to the accident.



These are groups of endorsements that come together at a reduced cost.

Bylaws Coverage

After an insured loss, the additional costs of repair or reconstruction related to the enforcement of by-laws are covered.


CAE 3 (Disappearing Deductible)

This reduces the deductible every year that you don’t make a claim.

Claims Free Discount

This endorsement allows you to keep your claims free discount after your first claim.

Collectors Endorsement

Like the name implies, this endorsement is for all the collectors out there. It offers extra coverage for collectibles at a lower deductible. You can also get reimbursement for the cost of collection-specific exhibition/convention tickets if you can’t attend due to accident, illness, or insured loss.

Comprehensive Personal Liability

If you have this coverage and are liable for damage or injury, those resulting costs are covered. Excludes damages and injuries from car/truck usage and business operations (Insurance Bureau of Canada).

Conviction Protector

Keep your conviction-free discount if you receive a minor driving conviction, like a speeding ticket.

Collision Coverage

Sometimes known as “Section C”, this optional car/truck insurance covers repair costs if your vehicle is damaged in a collision (for example, with another car) or upset (flips over on a road).

Comprehensive Coverage

Covers many miscellaneous losses and damages—like fire, theft, and flooding—but not collision/upset losses. Found in an car/truck physical damage policy (Insurance Bureau of Canada).

Comprehensive Form

Covers the home and its contents for all risks (except those specifically excluded), and thus is the most inclusive home insurance policy (Insurance Bureau of Canada).



This is how much you’re responsible to pay if a claim happens. For example, if your home insurance policy has a $1,000 deductible for hail and there are $5,000 in damages, you pay the first $1,000 and the insurance company pays the remaining $4,000.

Detached Structures

These are permanent structures on your property that aren’t attached to your home. Common examples include fences, detached garages, and sheds.

Direct Compensation for Property Damage (DCPD)

Introduced January 1, 2022, this coverage is mandatory for any vehicles operating on public roads (this includes commercial vehicles, motorhomes, motorcycles, ATVs and personal vehicles). This coverage covers repair costs when you are not at fault in a collision. If you are partially at fault, you have partial coverage. If you are at fault, you do not have coverage under DCPD (you’ll need collision or all-perils coverage or to pay out of pocket).

Disappearing Deductible (CAE 3)

This reduces the deductible every year that you don’t make a claim.

Drive Other Autos (SEF 2)

Provides liability and accident benefits while you are driving any private passenger automobile. This means you can safely drive a friend’s car or a rental without purchasing additional insurance.



This endorsement covers damage to your home caused by an earthquake, with a separate deductible. Available only in high-risk earthquake areas.

Emergency Service Expense (SEF 35)

Provides coverage for towing and emergency service expenses when your vehicle is unable to be driven.


Family Protection (SEF 44)

If you or your spouse or your dependent relative is injured or killed by another motorist with insufficient insurance, you or your family will be compensated for the harm or loss.

Fire and Theft Deductible (SEF 40)

Extends the deductible to apply to losses by fire or theft for the entire vehicle.


Guaranteed Premium (CAE 8)

This endorsement keeps your premium at the same amount for a certain period of time, regardless of losses or rate increases. If there is a rate reduction, however, your premium will still be lowered.

Guaranteed Replacement Cost (GRC)

This is the total cost that your insurance company pays to reconstruct or replace your residence, trailer, or other property (if an insured event destroys it). For residences, you may be covered for costs beyond the home’s rebuild value, like skilled labour and debris removal. Annual policy renewals are key for ensuring adequate coverage and building codes (by-laws coverage).


Identity Theft Insurance

If someone steals your identity, this optional coverage pays for identity fraud expenses—up to your insurance company’s limit.


Legal Liability for Damage to Non-Owned Automobiles (SEF 27)

This covers you if you cause loss or damage with a rental vehicle.

Limitation of Glass

This optional add-on (a.k.a. endorsement) limits how much your vehicle’s glass is covered—and thus lowers your vehicle insurance premium. Chips and cracks from stones are excluded, but you still get some coverage if a thief breaks your window.

Limited Waiver of Depreciation (SEF43R)

If a new vehicle is damaged or lost within the first 30 months after purchase, it will be replaced as if it were new.

Loss of Use

See SEF 20 (Loss of Use).



These are permanent structures on your property that aren’t attached to your home. Common examples include fences, detached garages, and sheds.

Overland Water

This is water that accumulates due to heavy rains, spring run-off, or overflow of lakes and rivers. An overland water endorsement on your home insurance will cover loss and damage caused by such events.


Personal Umbrella Liability Policy

This policy adds extra protection to your assets in case you’re sued for property damage or bodily injury.


Replacement Cost (SEF18)

In the event of a total loss (the vehicle is written off), the full replacement cost of your vehicle will be covered.

Replacement Cost (SEF18)

In the event of a total loss (the vehicle is written off), the full replacement cost of your vehicle will be covered.


Satellite Program/Roadside Assistance (CAE 1)

This endorsement provides roadside assistance when you need gas, a battery boost, a tow, lockout service, a tire change, or extraction. You also have access to various member programs like travel planning. Road trip interruption insurance and discounts may also be included.

SEF 2 (Drive Other Automobiles)

This endorsement extends your insurance coverage to include vehicles not listed on your policy, like rental cars.

SEF 13D (Limitation of Glass)

This optional add-on (a.k.a. endorsement) limits how much your vehicle’s glass is covered—and thus lowers your vehicle insurance premium. Chips and cracks from stones are excluded, but you still get some coverage if a thief breaks your window.

SEF 18 (Replacement Cost)

In the event of a total loss, this endorsement covers the full replacement cost of your vehicle.

SEF 20 (Loss of Use)

If a claim renders your vehicle inoperable, this covers your rental car costs.*

SEF 27 (Legal Liability for Damage to Non-Owned Automobiles)

This endorsement extends your insurance from your own vehicle to your rental car. Maximum values and territorial limits apply.

SEF 35 (Emergency Service Expense)

This endorsement provides coverage for towing and emergency service expenses if your vehicle is undrivable.

SEF 39 (Accident Waiver/Driving Record Protection)

Also known as your “get-out-of-jail-free card”. This add-on (a.k.a. endorsement) is available to drivers with 6 years of continual car/truck insurance—with zero at-fault claims. If this endorsement is on your policy and you have your first at-fault claim, that accident won’t affect your driving record.*

SEF 43R (Limited Waiver of Depreciation)

This endorsement is available to original owners of brand-new vehicles. If this endorsement has been added to your policy and your vehicle has been written off, you will receive back the amount that you originally purchased the vehicle for, with no depreciation applied.* New parts are also used on partial losses.

SEF 44 (Family Protection)

If you, your spouse, or a dependent family member is injured by another driver with insufficient insurance, you or your estate will be compensated for the harm or loss.

Sewer Backup Coverage

All home insurance policies don’t automatically include this coverage. Some neighbourhoods aren’t eligible for coverage, with floodplain ratings factoring into coverage limitations. Though each insurance company’s definition of “sewer backup” may vary, generally it’s when an interior drain backs up and results in damage to your home’s interior.


Temporary Vehicle Replacement (SEF20)

This endorsement covers the cost of a rental car while your vehicle is being repaired or replaced after an insured loss.

Third-Party Liability

Sometimes known as “liability coverage” or “Section A”, this covers you if you’re legally responsible for your vehicle injuring someone or damaging property (Insurance Bureau of Canada).