Samantha Lemna
Driving Back to School in BC
In the span of a day, autumn seemed to arrive in Victoria: the leaves are falling,…
Forms, Inspections, ID, Oh My!: Registering a Vehicle in BC
Last month, we gave you tips on how to transfer ownership of a BC-registered vehicle, when…
Liquor Liability Insurance Explained
Liquor liability insurance provides coverage for establishments that serve alcohol, such as pubs, bars, clubs, restaurants,…
There’s Coverage for That: Identity Theft
We talk a lot about cybercrime on this blog (Why Your Business Needs Cyber Insurance) and…
Your Questions About Auto (ICBC) Insurance & COVID-19, Answered
There is so much uncertainty in the world right now that nearly everything feels like it…
Communication, Respect, and… Yoga?: How to Improve Mental Health in the Workplace
Mental health has been a topic of much discussion the past few months: what are the…
Battle of the ICBC Coverages: RoadStar vs. Roadside Plus
There’s more to car insurance than the basic collision, comprehensive, and liability coverages that come to…
Understanding the Volatile Insurance Market
Since autumn 2018, the insurance marketplace has become increasingly volatile. In 2020, we continue to see…
Coverage You Need: Employment Practices Liability
If you have watched the news in the past year, you have likely seen something about…