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BC Government Proposes Requirements for Speed Limiters in Commercial Trucks

The BC government has proposed changes to the Motor Vehicles Act that would require speed limiters on heavy-duty commercial vehicles.

Existing data on effectiveness of speed limiters indicate significantly decreases in accidents caused by speeding. In addition to promoting road safety, speed limiters reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gases emitted by vehicles travelling at high speeds.

Currently, Ontario and Quebec are the only provinces that require speed limiters in commercial trucks, and both impose maximum speeds of 105 km per hour. Penalties for those in violation range from fines of $250 to $20,000. The regulations in BC are still under development and maximum speeds and penalties have yet to be determined. 

Drivers will face penalties for not activating speed limiters, setting limits above the allowable maximum speed and modifying the equipment.

The BC government has also proposed new rules to encourage safer driving when sharing roads with pedestrians and cyclists – a minimum safe-passing distance of one-metre and a three-metre following distance.

These changes are part of BC’s Clean Transportation Action Plan which is anticipated for release later in 2023.

For more details, see the official news release from BC’s Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.