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Can I get travel medical insurance if I have a medical condition?

Travelling should be fun and relaxing, but, unfortunately, it can be stressful if you have to deal with a medical emergency or illness or if you’re forced to cancel or interrupt your plans suddenly. That’s where travel insurance can help – it can help cover your medical care, refund some of your money after cancellation, or help you get home or change your travel plans. But can you get travel insurance if you have a medical condition? Yes, you can definitely get travel insurance if you have a pre-existing medical condition.

A medical condition or chronic illness doesn’t have to stop you from travelling. Nor does it have to stop you from protecting your health and finances while you’re abroad. Travel medical insurance covers your medical bills for any unexpected illness or injury you suffer on your trip and a good policy will also cover your transport home to receive further medical treatment.

However, it’s important to note that medical care, trip cancellation and trip interruption relating to that condition may not be covered – or you may have to pay higher premiums.

Why does having a medical condition affect travel medical insurance?

Travel medical insurance is intended for sudden unexpected injury or illness while you’re travelling . It does not cover medical tourism or continued treatment.

As someone with a pre-existing medical condition you’re considered to be a high-risk individual by an insurance company. This is because there is a higher likelihood that you may require urgent medical care while you travel – which your insurance company would need to pay for.

Keep in mind that not all medical conditions are considered equally perilous. How pre-existing illnesses affect your premiums and travel medical insurance coverage will depend on the medical condition and the insurance company.

What is considered to be a pre-existing medical condition?

Any condition such as an illness or disease or injury that has a medical diagnosis before your insurance is purchased is considered to be a pre-existing medical condition. This also includes ailments which are recurrent or chronic. For travel insurance, this may include any illness, disease or injury that is treated before your departure date. Every travel insurance company has a different definition of a pre-existing condition, so make sure you talk to your broker. 

Can you get travel medical insurance with a medical condition?

Yes you can absolutely get travel medical insurance even with a pre-existing illness or injury. It is likely that anything related to your existing medical condition won’t be covered. Alternatively you may simply need to pay a higher premium.

Can you get travel medical insurance if your medical condition is stable?

If your condition is considered to be stable, you may have coverage if something related to your injury or illness happens.

A stable condition is one where you have not:

  • Experienced worsened or new symptoms relating to your pre-existing condition
  • Received new medical treatment relating to your pre-existing condition
  • Increased or decreased your medication dosage
  • Received a new diagnosis

If your condition is unstable or new or your travel insurance company won’t cover it, it means you will not have coverage for any medical emergency, trip cancellation or trip interruption relating to that particular medical condition. 

How do insurance companies screen for a pre-existing medical condition?

You will be asked by your insurance broker or the insurance company if you have any existing illnesses or injuries based on the insurance company’s definition of a pre-existing medical condition.

You may need to fill out a medical questionnaire and in some cases provide additional documentation. If you are over a certain age (generally 65) you may need to have proof of a recent physical exam by a doctor.

If you fail to disclose an existing medical condition or lie on the medical questionnaire any claims you have may be denied or your insurance policy may be voided.

Should I get travel medical insurance if I have a chronic illness?

Even if your existing condition isn’t covered travel medical insurance will cover you for any other unexpected or sudden illness or injury. In some cases your medical condition will be covered. It can also get you some money back if you unexpectedly have to cancel your trip and help get you home if something forces you to change your trip plans. In either case it helps protect your health and your finances as medical treatment abroad can be very expensive.

Talk to your broker if you have a medical condition to find out what your options are for travel medical insurance. They’ll be able to find you a good company and walk you through any medical questionnaires.