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Compensation Disclosure


Our role is to provide you with the best insurance value that combines coverage, service, and price. We also provide personalized service that includes professional advice, ongoing policy maintenance and claims support. When an issue arises regarding your insurance coverage, we are your advocate using our experience and leverage with our insurance companies to best represent your interests.

Commission Breakdown

Broker compensation is part of your premiums. For your benefit, we have listed below our contracted insurance companies.

Insurer Commission 
ABEX Affiliated Broker Exchange7% to 20%
Affiliated Insurance Brokers7% to 20%
AFN Insurance Brokers7% to 20%
AIG7% to 20%
Alesco7% to 20%
Allianz Global7% to 20%
Allied World Assurance Company7% to 20%
AllSport Insurance Marketing7% to 20%
Apollo Insurance Solutions7% to 25%
APRIL Canada7% to 20%
ARAG Legal Solutions7% to 20%
Arch Insurance7% to 20%
Ascent Underwriting7% to 22%
Aurora Underwriting Services7% to 20%
Aviva*7% to 25%
AVRO Insurance Managers7% to 20%
AXA XL7% to 20%
AXIS PRO Canada7% to 20%
Beacon Underwriting7% to 20%
Berkley Insurance Company7% to 20%
Beazley Canada7% to 22.5%
Beck Glass7% to 37%
Berkley Canada7% to 20%
BI&I7% to 20%
BMS Group16.5%
Boiler Inspection & Insurance20%
Boxx Insurance15% to 17.5%
Burns & Wilcox7% to 20%
Cambrian Special Risks15%
Canadian Northern Sheilds7% to 20%
Canada Worldwide Brokers15%
Canadian Aviation Insurance10%
Canada Northern Shield20%
Cansure7% to 20%
Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s of London*7% to 20%
C N A*7% to 20%
CFC7% to 20%
Chubb*7% to 20%
Chutter Underwriting Services15% to 20%
Coast Underwriters 12.5% to 20%
Colwood Insurance Services15%
Ecclesiastical*7% to 20%
Economical/Definity*7% to 20%
Elliott Special Risks7% to 20%
Gore Mutual*7% to 20%
Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc.10% to 25%
Intact*7% to 20%
JEVCO Insurance Company7% to 20%
K & K Insurance Group7% to 20%
Liberty7% to 20%
Northbridge General insurance Corporation*7% to 30%
Old Republic*7% to 20%
Peace Hills*7% to 20%
Peel Mutual*7% to 20%
Pembridge/Pafco*7% to 20%
Premier Canada7% to 20%
Royal and Sun Alliance*7% to 20%
SGI Canada*7% to 20%
Sovereign*7% to 20%
Special Risk Insurance Managers7% to 20%
Trans Canada Insurance Marketing15%
Travelers*7% to 20%
Trinity Underwriting15%
Trisura*7% to 20%
TruStar Underwriting15%
TSW Management Services12.5%
TuGo 15% to 40%
Ufans Insurance Services10%
Unique Risks15%
Universal Underwriting Managers15%
Victor*7% to 20%
Wawanesa*7% to 20%
Western Underwriting Managers15%
Westport 15%
Xpert Underwriting15%
Zurich*7% to 20%

We are paid commissions for each policy that we issue (new business and renewals) which ranges according to the table above. We will notify clients if this commission structure changes or if commissions increase.

Contingent Bonuses

In order for us to maintain strong relationships with our contracted insurance companies we work with them to place business that best fits their target niches. Some insurance companies provide an incentive through profit sharing arrangements if we achieve certain growth, retention and portfolio profitability targets. The insurance companies noted with a star(*) beside their name have these arrangements in place with our office. These contingent bonuses are never guaranteed and do not influence where we place our clients’ business.

Your insurance company should have provided you with a consumer code of rights and responsibilities. If you do not have a copy it can easily be obtained from their website. If you have any questions regarding this or any other aspect of your insurance please contact us.