Fort McMurray Critical Illness Insurance
Protect yourself from the unexpected with critical illness insurance
No one likes to think about the possibility of critical illness. Yet, critical illnesses strike thousands of Canadians each year. And although no one likes to think about it, we know that planning for the unexpected can save you and your family time and stress.
For you, like many other Canadians, this is when a critical illness insurance policy comes into play.
The promise of this policy is simple: survive a critical illness and you are granted a lump sum of money to do with as you please. Generally speaking, critical illnesses include the following: strokes, heart attacks and cancer.
We all know that recovering from a critical illness takes time. When you’re recovering, the stress related to money may not only affect your recovery negatively, it can hinder it. What most people don’t know, however, is that stress like that can be avoided.
If you’re currently residing in Fort McMurray, Alberta, purchasing a Fort McMurray critical illness insurance policy should be high on your priority list. Should you become unable to work as a result of a critical illness and manage to survive a critical illness, you’ll be granted a lump sum of money, which you’re free to spend as you wish.
And by “free to spend as you wish” we mean just that. It doesn’t matter if you decide to spend that money to cover lost income or spend it on a private out-of-the-country nursing home. What matters is that you receive financial assistance and that you use it to make your recovery easier and less traumatic.
If you’re interested in learning more about how you could benefit from a Fort McMurray critical illness insurance policy, then we encourage you to spend a minute of your time requesting a quote, by completing our online form today.
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