Lethbridge Park Model Insurance
Your park model is a home and it should be protected like one
Lethbridge, Alberta is known for their wind. While this is a great asset for clean energy, it can wreak havoc on your park model. If you have Lethbridge park model insurance, however, you’ll most likely be covered. It’s important that the insurance company you use is familiar with park models and understands they’re not a regular house. At Acera insurance we deal with Lethbridge park model insurance every day, and as one of the leading park model insurance brokers in Western Canada, we understand your needs as a park model homeowner.
What is a park model?
A true park model is similar to a mobile home but is generally delivered on a flatbed and is not towable. They are built with 2×4 or 2×6 studs and usually have asphalt shingles and vinyl siding. They don’t have slides or battery-power; they have regular wiring and a true house furnace.
At Acera Insurance, Lethbridge park model insurance is different from Lethbridge mobile home insurance. Why is that? Lethbridge mobile home insurance is designed for people that live in their unit year-round, while Lethbridge park model insurance is tailored for people who use their park model as a cabin. This results in a big difference in the policies, including in price. Most insurance companies will penalize you for this absence, but here at Acera Insurance we continue to offer a guaranteed replacement cost policy and understand you won’t be there every single day.
Industry-leading claims service
Imagine this: you have your park model set up on 30 acres of land near Pincher Creek. You make sure you lock the unit up every time you leave, but one Sunday morning you get back from getting some groceries to find that there are claw marks in your vinyl siding and a window is damaged. It looks like it could have been a bear on your property. What do you do? After retreating to your vehicle and waiting a couple of tense hours, it’s safe to say the bear is long gone. But the evidence of the visit is still there. Is this insured under your Lethbridge park model insurance? Contact Acera Insurance today to have them review your coverage and ensure you’re protected.
If this kind of event does happen, you can have peace of mind with our Lethbridge park model insurance policy. We use the largest park model insurance company in Canada and have appraisers on staff that truly understand these units inside and out. If your park model is ever involved in a claim, our experts will be able to quickly appraise and get the proper repairs done that you need in order to get back to enjoying your home.
What type of policies do we offer for your Lethbridge park model insurance?
Guaranteed Replacement Cost – If your unit is written off you will get a brand-new unit similar to yours with no limit.
Standard Replacement Cost – If your unit is written off you will get a brand-new unit similar to yours up to the insured limit.
Actual Cash Value – If your unit is written off you will only get back what you could have sold the unit for.
Contact Acera Insurance today for Lethbridge park model insurance. It only takes a few minutes and the coverage is invaluable.
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