If your child is moving away for university or college, you may wonder if your home insurance will cover their personal belongings and liability during the school year.
The short answer is, likely.
But let’s explore further.
In most cases, your home insurance will protect your child, so long as they are:
- enrolled in and attending college or university;
- temporarily living away from home; and,
- still considered your dependent.
Remember, every insurer has its own terms and conditions. For examples, some insurers may also require the student reside in on-campus housing and/or be under a specific age.
Speak with an Acera Insurance advisor to confirm whether your child will qualify for coverage under your home insurance policy while away at school.
How does home insurance protect students away at school?
University or college students insured under their parents’ home insurance policy are covered for:
- Personal belongings. This helps cover the cost to repair or replace belongings like electronics, furniture and clothing that are stolen or damaged by a covered cause (i.e., fire).
- Personal liability. This helps cover costs like medical bills, legal defence and property repairs if the student is found legally responsible for another person’s injury or damaged property.
How much protection does home insurance provide students away at school?
You chose coverage limits when purchasing your home insurance.
These limits will determine how much coverage your child while have while away at school, should their personal belongings be damaged or stolen, or if they are responsible for causing third-party property damage or injuring another person.
Speak with an Acera Insurance advisor to determine if your current home insurance policy limits will adequately protect your child while they are away at university or college.
When doesn’t home insurance cover a child away at school?
In most cases, university and college students will not be covered under their parents’ home insurance policy if they
- do not actually attend school
- are no longer dependant on you
Again, some insurers may have additional limitations, such as renting off campus or surpassing a certain age limit.
In such cases, the student should invest in tenant insurance to ensure their personal belongings and personal liability are protected.
Speak with an Acera Insurance advisor today if you have any questions about how best to protect your child while they attend college or university away from home.