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Should businesses change their disability plans in response to expanded EI benefits?

Early intervention should be a key consideration for Canadian businesses when they are designing or modifying their corporate long-term disability and short-term disability programs — so says Acera Benefit’s Steve Hesketh, Managing Director, Group Benefits Sales, in this episode of the Benefits Alliance Voice podcast.

“The earlier we interact with the claimant, the more success we’re going to have at bringing them back to work.”

Steve Hesketh, Managing Director, Group Benefits Sales

Employees on disability leave need more than just financial support

The conversation in this episode is in response to recent changes the Government of Canada made to extend the Employment Insurance (EI) sickness benefits program to provide six months of coverage; it was previously four months.

Steve was asked what companies should consider when contemplating amending their corporate disability programs in light of these changes. While this is something that needs to be managed on a case-by-case basis, Steve stressed the importance of understanding that, while EI sickness benefits provide financial support, it doesn’t offer the additional support that employees may need to recover in a timely manner.

“Having somebody off work on EI, there’s no (care) management to it. I call it the never-never land; they’re lost. They may need resources. The longer they’re left, the more complicated their file becomes. The original reason for being off work could be fairly simple, but in three months, in four months, the more complicated it gets.”

Steve Hesketh, Managing Director, Group Benefits Sales

Hear more about what Acera Benefits’ Steve Hesketh has to say about Canada’s EI sickness benefits changes, as well as long-term and short-term disability programs.