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The Pros and Cons of Getting an Online Insurance Quote

While it’s pretty easy to request a quote online actually being able to get your insurance quote online is still limited. It’s offered by some digital insurance brokers and direct writers (insurance companies that sell you insurance directly). We’ll review the pros and cons of getting an online insurance quote along with what you should watch out for.

The Pros of Getting an Online Quote for Your Insurance

  • You have an idea of what your insurance may cost.
  • You can get a quote when it’s convenient for you – immediately without needing to call during business hours and no waiting on the phone.
  • You can do your price shopping a lot easier.

An online quote is convenient and helps with your shopping there’s no denying it. Especially if you can’t call during regular business hours online insurance quotes can be helpful.

The Cons of Getting an Online Insurance Quote

  • Your quote may not be accurate – or it may take a long time
  • You may not know the full story of your coverage
  • You may be missing a cheaper price if you don’t shop around

If you’ve ever filled out an insurance application you know how much information is needed to get your price. Advancing technology has improved the way insurance companies can get this information – like using your postal code to determine the answer to other questions – but there are still quite a few questions. That means that your online insurance quote will either take some time to fill out or it won’t be accurate. This can waste your time.

An online quote may also not include a description of what’s included. The most basic coverage is going to be less expensive than the most comprehensive coverage – and many online quotes don’t give you a ton of options. Make sure you know what’s covered and what isn’t when you get an online insurance quote.

Some quotes will come from multiple insurance companies but others will only provide you with a price from one insurer. Shopping around is critical so that you can get the best coverage for the best price.

Should You Get an Insurance Quote Online?

Requesting an online insurance quote is a good idea – just make sure you’re shopping around and that you understand what coverage is included in that quote . If you go with the cheapest quote and it turns out you don’t have the protection you want you could be in trouble down the road.

Here’s what you should keep an eye on:

  • Is the quote being offered from a single insurance company or a variety of companies?
  • Do you know exactly what is and isn’t covered?
  • Did you have to provide your postal code?
  • Did you have to answer a lot of questions or only a few?

We suggest working with an insurance broker to ensure you’re getting competitive online insurance quotes. An independent insurance brokerage has access to multiple insurance companies which means you fill out one quote form and get access to quotes from many different insurers. A broker can also ensure you’re getting the coverage you need as well as explain the quote and your policy so that you understand what’s covered and what isn’t.