Car Insurance Basics: Third Party Liability
Accidents happen. On average, 52,000 car accidents result in injuries or fatalities in British Columbia every…
The Risk of Ride-Sharing on Your Insurance
Download an app set up an account put in where you want to go – and…
How do I insure a seasonal home?
Protecting your seasonal home can have its challenges. It faces all the risks of your primary…
ATV, Snowmobile and Dirtbike Insurance
At Acera Insurance, we love the outdoors! That’s why we’ve spent years creating insurance programs exclusively…
The All-Comers Rule and Alberta Auto Insurance
What is the all-comers rule? The all-comers rule means that in Alberta no one can be…
How do I import a car from the US to Alberta?
While the value of the Canadian dollar has us less likely to make big purchases across…
BC builders take note – new sprinkler requirements are coming July 2017
As of July 20, 2017, a new BC Building Code update will take effect. Sprinklers will…
Usage Based Insurance
Usage based insurance also known as “pay as you drive” (PAYD), “pay how you drive” (PHYD)…
Selling a Vehicle by Consignment in Alberta
Selling a vehicle can be time-consuming and frustrating so it’s not surprising that many car owners…