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What do I do if my company vehicle is vandalized?

You return to your company van after a long day of work only to find that someone had come along and keyed a long scratch through the paint or broken a window and stolen some equipment within. Will you be held responsible? Why would someone do that? Is it possible to catch the culprit? Will this be covered by your insurance or the company’s insurance?

If your company has a commercial vehicle policy that includes comprehensive coverage damage from vandalism would likely be covered. If you’re using your personal vehicle for work purposes (and haven’t informed your insurance company) or your company’s insurance policy doesn’t include comprehensive coverage, vandalism won’t likely be covered.

Comprehensive Coverage on a Commercial Vehicle Insurance Policy

Comprehensive coverage protects your commercial vehicles if they suffer damage from non-collision perils like vandalism, hail, and fire. It is an optional coverage so make sure you have added it to your policy if you want this protection.


Vandalism is considered to be intentional damage to your commercial vehicle committed by a third party. It is a covered peril under most comprehensive coverage sections of commercial vehicle policies. If you do not have comprehensive coverage on your policy, you are not covered for vandalism.

What to Do If Your Company Vehicle is Vandalized

Here’s what you should do if your company vehicle is vandalized:

  1. Call the police (and inform your company).
    You will need a police report to submit to your insurer.
  2. Document the damage.
    Take pictures and video of the damage and the surrounding area. Record the time, date, location and details of the situation (such as how long the vehicle was left there, if there were security features like gates or a camera, et cetera). If there were any witnesses, you should also get their contact information.
  3. Contact your broker or insurer and submit a claim.
  4. Secure the vehicle.
    Once cleared by the police and your insurance company, you should secure the vehicle. This may mean removing any remaining equipment, relocating the vehicle (by driving or towing it), or putting a cover over a broken window. Your insurance company will be able to provide details of what you should and should not do.

You’ve now started the claims process. Next, you’ll likely meet with an insurance adjuster to discuss the incident. Assuming you have comprehensive coverage on your commercial vehicle policy and this claim is covered, your vehicle will be repaired (or, if it is a total loss, you will receive a settlement based on your policy’s loss settlement option). You’ll also need to pay the deductible.

If you have any concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your insurance broker.