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Common Claims in Lethbridge

Like people cities have their own distinct characteristics including weather patterns. These can often dictate what types of insurance is most needed and the types of claims that will most likely occur. Lethbridge is no exception. Situated in Southern Alberta and home to some extreme weather conditions Lethbridge’s most common claims are weather related.

3 Most Common Claims in Lethbridge

1. Wind

Lethbridge is known as Alberta’s windy city. This beautiful city frequently experiences windy conditions with speeds up to 120 km/hr. That’s unthinkable to most of the rest of Canada! It makes sense therefore that wind-related damage ranks high among insurance claims in Lethbridge.

2. Winter Storms

According to StatsCan winter storms including blizzards ice storms and extreme cold were named by residents of Lethbridge as the events most likely to occur in their community. This is often paired with wind which can make for extremely icy conditions due to chinook melt-freeze cycles or deeply cold wind chills. Freeze-thaw cycles can cause or exacerbate damage to structures and landscaping while winter storms in general stress buildings and make for dangerous driving conditions.

3. Hail

In spring and summer storms delivering golf ball sized hailstones are not uncommon. Hail damages cars and buildings including roofs siding and windows.

Insurance claims related to these three events are very common. Typically such damages would be covered under homeowner insurance policies or for a business under its commercial policy. Damage to vehicles would be covered under a car insurance policy but only if the owner has comprehensive coverage (liability and collision coverage wouldn’t cover this event).

How to Protect Your Property from Insurance Claims in Lethbridge

If you live in Lethbridge you may eventually have to deal with a weather-related claim. Here’s how to prepare and protect yourself:

  • Some companies offer add-ons that will allow you to upgrade to more weather resistant products if you have a claim. Talk to your broker for more information.
  • Try to park vehicles in a garage or covered area.
  • Subscribe to weather alerts so that you can be proactive when you know a storm is coming – park your car inside and secure loose items around your property.
  • When doing renovations or upgrades to your home look for more weather resistant materials. You can learn more about which ones to choose here.
  • Regular maintenance to your home and business property can help. Ensure your eavestroughs are clean and directed away from the building make sure your flood prevention devices are in good working order and make repairs to siding or roof before a storm hits.

In the event of a claim keeping a detailed inventory helps process your claim accurately and more quickly. Document your car home and business with pictures and video. Be sure to capture the interior and exterior as well as all your belongings or inventory. Keep proofs of purchase receipts and warranties. For both your home and business store sensitive and important data offsite. Keep copies of all important documents.  A cloud storage system is a great option.

Remember that your broker is here to help. They can help ensure you’re protected mitigating your risks and have adequate documentation in case of loss or damage. If you have a claim give them a call as they can walk you through the process and advocate on your behalf.