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Summer Road Trips and Your Insurance

Who doesn’t love a summer adventure? Whether you’re escaping for a weekend to a new city or heading out for a big camping trip hitting the highway just has that magical feeling. What could your insurance possibly have to do with a weekend of junk food fights over who controls the music random pit stops and silly car games? Well your road trip affects the vehicle you take and the home you leave behind. You’ll also want to prepare just in case something happens to disrupt your plans while you’re traveling.

Road Trips and Car Insurance

If you’re taking your own vehicle it will be your car insurance that matters. You can let others drive but know that it will be your insurance that is impacted if something happens. Make sure that anyone who lives in the same house as you or regularly drives your car is be added to your policy as a named insured.

If your road trip is taking you to the US make sure you check in with your broker or insurance company. You may have limits to the length of time you can travel in the US with coverage and some insurers require notification before you cross the border. Some impose a surcharge due to the increased risk and expenses of driving in the US.

A big road trip is also a good time to review your insurance coverage. Here are a few add-ons you may want to consider:

  • Emergency Service Expenses (SEF25) – This provides coverage for towing and emergency service expenses if your vehicle is undrivable.
  • Legal Liability for Damage to Non-Owned Automobiles (SEF27) – extends your car insurance to include coverage for rental cars and other vehicles you may drive.
  • Loss of Use (SEF20) – provides the use of a rental car or reimburses you for public transportation or taxi up to a certain amount if your vehicle is damaged in a covered loss such as an accident.

Road Trips and Home Insurance

Most insurers require someone to check on your home every 48 – 72 hours . If you fail to do so your home insurance policy could be void . The visit is necessary to catch any damage early on and can also help discourage criminals who often target “empty” homes.

Travel Insurance for Road Trips

Did you know that provincial health care often doesn’t offer much coverage once you leave the province? This is especially true if you’re road tripping to the United States where medical costs can be astronomical and coverage is even more limited.

Travel medical insurance is essential if you plan on leaving your home province for your road trip. It will cover the costs of any emergency medical treatment if you get sick or injured. While no one wants to end up at the doctor’s office or worse the hospital while on vacation it does happen.

The other elements of travel insurance are trip cancellation and trip interruption. This helps reimburse you in the event your vacation needs to be cancelled or you hit snags along the way. For example let’s say you booked all of your accommodation and activities for a road trip to Vancouver. Let’s say you lost your job before going and now you can’t afford it. Or you’re enroute to Vancouver but severe weather closes the highways. Travel insurance could help you get reimbursed for what you booked and for accommodation you got while the roads were closed.

Talk to your broker about your coverage options when it comes to car and travel insurance. They’ll also be able to inform you what is required by your insurance company when it comes to notification and home check-ins. Have fun and stay safe on the roads this summer!