Does car insurance cover a hit-and-run?
A driver who fails to remain on the scene of an accident or fails to provide…
Who decides who is at fault in a car accident?
Determining who is at fault in a car accident can lead to a pretty sticky situation.…
8 Reasons Why Travel Insurance Claims May Be Denied
No one wants anything bad to happen while they’re on vacation but if it does travel…
What RV insurance loss settlement option is best?
An RV loss settlement option determines the amount or kind paid out to you in the…
What to do in a boating accident in Alberta
Unfortunately accidents on the water do happen. On average there are 166 boating-related deaths per year…
What is material misrepresentation?
In the insurance world material misrepresentation means withholding or falsifying information related to your insurance policy…
Am I covered if I pull someone out of the ditch?
You’re driving down an isolated road when you come across a motorist who has slid off…
If my car is stolen, do I get what I paid for it?
There’s nothing worse than stepping out to your parked car only to find nothing but empty…
Top Winery Insurance Claims In BC
At harvest season in BC, grape pickers lumber between vines, each hand gripping a 10-gallon pail…