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A Guide to Winter Holiday Travel Insurance
Are you heading home for a Christmas family vacation? Or are you escaping the January or…
Best Practices for Managing Your Strata’s Increasing Insurance Deductibles
In recent years, insurers of strata corporations have been hit with a substantial increase in water…
Winter Maintenance for Businesses
Winter brings a lot of potential for liability risks and damage to businesses in Canada. This…
General Third Party Liability Insurance with Acera Insurance
Most people think of car accidents when they hear third-party liability insurance. But did you know…
Auto Hibernation: Storing Your Motorcycles and Other Seasonal Vehicles in BC
Winter is coming, or so the internet keeps saying. In Victoria, where the temperature has dropped…
10 Reasons Your Car Insurance Won’t Cover You
Did you know your car insurance company has the right to deny coverage in certain situations?…
Babysitting and Your Home Insurance
Babysitting makes a great job for responsible teenagers or adults who like kids. With childcare in…
Weeding Out the Confusion: Cannabis and Home Insurance
Last October, the insurance industry was abuzz with theories, worries, and wonderings about the impact of…
What You Need to Know About Manufactured Home Insurance
Manufactured homes differ from traditional homes in that they are usually built at a separate location…