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The All-Comers Rule and Alberta Auto Insurance
What is the all-comers rule? The all-comers rule means that in Alberta no one can be…
How do I import a car from the US to Alberta?
While the value of the Canadian dollar has us less likely to make big purchases across…
Trucking Insurance – What You Need to Know
ICBC’s Fleetplan If you have 5 or more vehicles registered to the same company or legal…
Important Insurance Coverage for Students Heading Back to School
Over the next few weeks most college and university-bound students will be packing up personal belongings…
BC builders take note – new sprinkler requirements are coming July 2017
As of July 20, 2017, a new BC Building Code update will take effect. Sprinklers will…
Usage Based Insurance
Usage based insurance also known as “pay as you drive” (PAYD), “pay how you drive” (PHYD)…
Selling a Vehicle by Consignment in Alberta
Selling a vehicle can be time-consuming and frustrating so it’s not surprising that many car owners…
Pay Attention to the Warranties in Your Marine Insurance Policies
In insurance, a warranty is a promise by the policyholder to adhere to certain conditions. Warranties…
Resolve strata and small claims disputes online with BC’s Civil Resolution Tribunal
In 2016, BC introduced a new method for strata corporations and unit owners to resolve disputes…